How Much Web3D and Related Formats are Out There

Dateline: 5/17/02

Can you believe it's been nearly two years since the last media type survey. So here goes with the numbers for the fourth in our series of format surveys:

Search Results - Number of Hits May 3, 2000
VRML Java Shockwave QuickTimeVR RealAudio QuickTime Flash
Geocities 14667 289310 28849 92 24392 9206 177506
Tripod 6512 123689 14884 49 14000 8420 74893
Alta Vista 356155 6,057,543 563735 7004 680520 583805 1,187,025
Lycos 226596 3,209,832 211856 4207 488,790 361,863 1,063,824
Google 94,900 632,999 139,987 6,649 196,997 137,982 454,000
Search Results - Number of Hits May 17, 2002
VRML Java Shockwave QuickTimeVR RealAudio QuickTime Flash
Alta Vista 1,579,610 49,195,994 1,276,641 24,013 1,528,090 1,715,246 9,704,851
Lycos 527541 13,967,626 1,612,049 149,829 1,272,741 1,918,326 14,230,992
Google 1,130,000 23,800,000 1,260,000 152,000 1,170,000 1,830,000 13,900,000

Certainly the Web is getting lots bigger. VRML usage appears to have grown by a very healthy amount. Not surprisingly Flash has exploded over this time period also. Quite surprisingly, usage of QuickTime VR also seems to have grown tremendously. Keep in mind that these numbers are simply the number of hits for the search term and are not necessarily a reliable indicator of the use of the technology. They are probably a good indicator of trends. In addition the search strategies and growth of the search engines themselves no doubt significantly effect the results. I've removed the searching in Geocitis and Tripod as these have become primarily paid web hosting services, and have undergone major restructurings.

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